A new Gajim[1] version, alongside its internal library `python-nbxmpp', have been released some time ago. These packages have not been updated (yet) on community. I've no problem with it, as a AUR packages maintener myself I totally understand the maintainer could be under heavy load or just lose interest in these packages. Thus, don't misinterpret my message: I'm not here to blame anyone, but just to provide a quick solution for people looking for the update 🙂
So, if like me you want to use the last Gajim version, I've just published the updated PKGBUILDs on my own git repository[2] and provide prebuilt packages on my own package repository[3]. As it should be temporary, these two packages (`gajim' and `python-nbxmpp') are not exposed on the home page of my repository, but once you've enabled it, you should be able to do the upgrade through:
pacman -S milouse/gajim milouse/python-nbxmpp
For those interested, the upgrade comes with a new required dependency for Gajim: `python-css-parser'. The `python-nbxmpp' PKGBUILD also required a makedepends line for `python-setuptools'.
[2] published the updated PKGBUILDs on my own git repository (HTTPS)
[3] on my own package repository (HTTPS)
📅 jeudi 9 juillet 2020 à 20:00
📝 milouse with GNU/Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.7.11)