# Welcome Martín Aguilar & Profile Features source.community is pleased to welcome Martín Aguilar as a new contributor! Martín is bringing some fresh energy and fresh ideas to the project. Martín's first contributions are two new user profile features. => /072004/ Checkout Martín's Profile! ## Display Names Users can now set a display name in their profile. This name will be used in the UI instead of the in addition to the account name. Your account name will still be used in URLs and other places where a unique identifier is needed. Head to your account settings to set your display name! ## Profile "About" Section Users can now add an "About" section to their profile. This section will be displayed on your account page. It can be used to share whatever you'd like with visitors to your profile. Head to your account settings to set your "About" section! If you'd like a source.community account please sign up for an invite: => /invite/ Requests an invite