IMPORTANT: Major new Skylab update

From: (Satya Benson)

Received on 2024-02-14 05:06:10

If you are currently running an instance of Skylab, you should subscribe (or resubscribe) to the Skylab mailinglist by sending a message with the subject "Subscribe" to You should get a confirmation message back. Please note that if you previously did this, it didn't work due to a bug in the server which has now been fixed.

The latest update to Skylab is one that will take a little bit of work on your end but will pay off in terms of performance and ease of maintenance. Skylab is now one single binary once compiled, not lots of little ones. That means that you can run `git pull` and `go build` and then move the resulting binary to the place where all your old binaries used to live (delete them!).

Then change you gemini server configuration to run the binary whenever any request is made to your skylab hostname. As always, an example configuration is included in the repository for GmCapsule.

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