Vanquish Vanguard is my fantasy tabletop RPG under development. It is a "D&D-like," similar to Pathfinder, in that it forks off recent editions of "the world's original roleplaying game," but adds many of its own touches, changes, and flourishes to create a unique experience.
On this page, you will find a solo campaign for Vanquish Vanguard that includes everything needed to play, including an introductory tutorial adventure that explains the basic rules. New adventures will be continuously published for this solo campaign over the coming months.
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to send any correspondence to drj -at- drjstudio -dot- com. Note also that if you find navigating the adventures too slow on my Gemini capsule, you can also play through the HTTP/HTML clone of my capsule, linked at the bottom of this page.
Adventure 0: The Gauntlet of Trials (tutorial) - play this first!
Between adventures, you can visit the capital city of Alshain, visiting with the residents and purchasing equipment and supplies:
Further adventures currently under development
HTTP/HTML clone of the VanVan adventures