Qtile as mobile environment

🏷 qtile

🏷 mobile

🏷 pinephone

Created:   2024-08-20
Copyright: CC-BY-SA 4.0
Language:  en

Some weeks ago I bought Pinephone to test how much Linux is ready for the mobile phone. I was ready to switch if basic parts will work :) Sadly one of the main features still not works: mobile identification (signature). All my bank accounts or other government logins are based on that. So, I had to put Pinephone away as my main device

During testing I tried 3 variants of desktop (mobile) environments: KDE plasma, Phosh and Sxmo (sway and dwm). I like switching. Check my used distros :)[1]

I use Qtile since 2015 and it is the best environment for me. So I just `pipx install qtile` and switch in *tinydm*... I have running Qtile on my phone. Nice and, eh, no keyboard and no clickable app :D

First try just to see what it works at all (on wayland).

Now plan for the future:

For some widgets qtile-extra should be used as popups or similar.

I see the use as switching between groups and vertical split with max layout as defaults. Keyboard, notifications, general settings (wifi, brightness etc.) should be in scrachpads.

In general this should be the clone of Sxmo but not so agresive :)

1: I like switching. Check my used distros :)

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