basic girl template,
π You Are Not An Ally Just Because You Say You Are
π COVID-19 Stole My Body From Me
I've been struggling with a few problems in #heartgirl[1]. One is my utter lack of creativity which makes level design an incredibly difficult task for me. The other was implementing platforms that the player can jump through from the bottom and stand and move on the top.
π 2024-08-31 - BPD is a real fuck
I've started seeing someone new. Well, she's not new. I met her through my Ex over four years ago. Then we started talking again when my wife and I moved back to Chicago last year. Then she started dating my wife. And she and I finally got together a few weeks ago.
Duster died one year ago today. A lot has changed since then. A lot hasn't. I still miss him every single day. I still don't know how to live without him. I wish he was here
π 2024-07-18 - Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door
The Switch version is so close to the Gamecube version that I'm counting this as a backlog game π I was maybe about five to ten hours from the end of the Gamecube version when I just never picked it up ever again. I don't know why. But I did finish the Switch release!