It's been another month, so let's see...
I have suddenly gotten the impetus to do some programming again. Specifically, I have been working on making a video using Motion Canvas again. I've had some ideas for a while now, and as mentioned previously it really fits in my mental model of what a video should be: moving assets around in a field and recording things.
The result is that I have built some nice assets and gotten some idea on how the library and TypeScript in general works. It's not a bad haul but the passion has faded again and I still haven't gotten a full script yet.
My weight has continued to come down very slowly, on the order of tens of grams a day. It doesn't seem like much but it is consistent, and now I don't make it up to 73 kg at all anymore.
That's all great, but my skin is still causing issues and it's mostly up to my ears. And also my right middle finger is causing me trouble. I think something must have gotten in and infected something, but I really don't want to bother to go to a dermatologist to figure out what is going on.
I've been pushed into doing something for the first time in a while, which isn't as negative as it sounds. Basically I added some details on my CV and erased some old stuff. Things are looking very old indeed.
I have been toying with the idea of going into something else; there was a story about some guy who gave up a job in finance to become a bus driver. Sure, that could have been me, but I would not be able to justify this choice to my parents...
I'm so tired. I have had trouble avoiding living my life one day at a time, in such a way that every day is about the same and oops there goes another month. Should really try to move forward, but it's so hard.