If there is an afterlife, what would be your choice? christian heaven? hell? nirvana? valhall?
1 month ago
I hope it’s a Divine Liturgy, a constant γύρος and a ceaseless κράτημα · 3 weeks ago
Don't our IDs get reused — it would be unwise to archive all the humans, this would eventually cause an overflow and the simulation would crash. And some memory occupied our identities doesn't get zeroed out properly — that is how we retain parts of our personalities after reincarnation 🤪 · 4 weeks ago
If any of them are true, any would be fine places to wind up (hell aside). But if we enter in the notion that any of them may prove to not be all they're cracked up to be in some way, I'd say they all seem like they'd get fairly monotonous (unless one were also somehow turned into a fraction of one's former self). Assuming I retain all my faculties, I'd go with the one proposed in the TV show "The Good Place." You get to live until you're done with it, and then... well, nobody knows. I'd presume you finally wink out of existence. But that consentual finitude in itself gives some weight and meaning to the afterlife it might otherwise lack. · 4 weeks ago
Groundhog Day? · 4 weeks ago