Hello and we here go again, the barbarian from bavaria is annoying you one more time! you have tattoos? i have serveral, my first was right down the spine, most painful experience ever. but onw i love/hate the most is a gunshot tattoo to my heart, after i got divorced... i will hate her for the rest of my life ;)
2 weeks ago
@kodama lol, i have an electric symbol, too. but as scarification on my arm xD 路 1 week ago
I have four tattoos at the moment, and have an appointment planned for number five. The first one is a bear skull on my calf, it represents the time I lived in Finland, and it was pretty painful. The second one is a small electric symbol on the side of my ankle, which didn't hurt at all. The third and fourth were done in one sitting, two angels on both ankles on the front, which was so painful I thought I was going to pass out. The fifth will be a tattoo of two crossed swords on the back of my arm, I'm pretty excited about it. 路 1 week ago
@melyanna yes it is, bur not the spine between the shoulderblades. most intense pain i ever sufferd from. i have scarifications, brandings, had serveral piercings.... once i had 12 needles in my..... while playing weird games, you can image where ;) nothing compared to that tattoo along the spine, you will love it xD 路 2 weeks ago
@bavarianbarbarian this will sound strange but I am kind of looking forward to it. It's a "good" kind of pain. Meditative. Or maybe I'll regret even writing this when I actually *feel* the pain. XD 路 2 weeks ago
a space invader 馃懢 somewhere not immediately visible but still in a place that can be shown in a regular workplace without getting into trouble. 路 2 weeks ago
i like the idea of having an accurate representation of a message that is also in space and further out thab any man made object 路 2 weeks ago
@melyanna have fun, it's an interesting experience, i shed some tears too. 路 2 weeks ago
@jo quite a nice idea, but i think every tattoo should be unique. why not drawing your own version of the golden plate? Or du you think when V'ger comes back to earth you will be recognized as a relative? xDD 路 2 weeks ago
@bavarianbarbarian eh, I'll let you know how I did when it will happen. I have a fairly high pain tolerance, however when I was getting my ankle tattoo I did see another customer next to me getting hers on her back and *crying*. 路 2 weeks ago
I don't have any tattoos alas but I really want one of the scientific diagramm on the voyager space probes on my shoulder/arm 路 2 weeks ago
@melyanna have fun, down the neck/between shoulder blades/spine is hell ;) as an experienced BDSM player i am used to pain, but that tattoo almost killed me, i was so high on adrenaline that i forgot to pay my artist, he laughted at me and told me that's one of the most painful place to get a tattoo, very brave that i chose that spot for my first tattoo xD 路 2 weeks ago
I have one in my inner left ankle. It's actually a cover up for a self inflicted experiment as a teenager. The experiment was a barely drawn butterfly, this is a band logo, though it represents a phase of my life and not necessarily the band itself. I have since entered another phase in my life and am in fact considering covering it up or changing it again. I also would like to add another one soon, maybe at the base of my neck. 路 2 weeks ago
I have a couple. The 1st was on my shoulder blade and been rather thin that was fairly painful. I shat my pants at one point as at one point the tattooist hit a nerve in my neck which caused an involuntary twitch. Luckily no FUBAR occurred. That is of a skull atop a bramble design with a gem at the top. My 2nd is on my upper arm and is a main skull with a split blade going through it. There are other smaller skulls also surrounding it tucked into various nooks of the blade. Both are black ink only and have held up pretty well over the 20 or so years I've had them. I quite fancy getting another tattoo on my left arm/shoulder to balance things out a bit. 路 2 weeks ago