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🗣 Followers 0 · Following 0 · Logs 6 · Docked 6 months ago
Update on the baby situation… life has been hard. Lots of anxiety and exhaustion and fear, for both my fiancée and I. Oh yeah, we got engaged which is awesome. We are having trouble agreeing on when to get married and have the wedding. I want to be married before the baby is born and she wants to wait so she doesn’t feel like things are changing in her life faster than they already have to and so there is time to anticipate the wedding. Many imperfect compromises have been devised. We’re yet to agree on a satisfactory one.\
💬 8 Replies · 4 Thumbs · 1 month ago
My partners mother has come around. Everyone who matters is on board and we have until late February before my child is born. Writing those words is … crazy, exciting, scary
💬 5 Replies · 7 Thumbs · 2 months ago
So after my partner’s decision to keep the pregnancy, her mother has said she will not support her and that she is throwing away her dreams and ruining everything, even though my girlfriend and I don’t feel that way. It’s difficult enough dealing with an unplanned pregnancy without intense pressure and condemnation from one’s own mother. It’s a painful time.
💬 5 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 2 months ago
gemini://station.martinrue.com/radish/dc2524c4bbde498582c73e826a757a60 See here for context She’s decided to have a baby. It’s happening.
💬 6 Replies · 7 Thumbs · 2 months ago
I found out my 18-year-old girlfriend is pregnant this morning. She just told her mother a few minutes ago. It didn’t go well. Most ‘disasters’ I’ve experienced are irrelevant after a little while, or else happen so gradually that you don’t feel them as a shock. This is sudden, life-changing, world-upending.
💬 21 Replies · 1 Thumb · 2 months ago
I am sick tonight but I can’t go to sleep. I don’t want to read on the web or watch any videos. I can’t read my book because it hurts to hold the pages open. Browsing Gemini on lagrange on my phone is the perfect thing (in dark night mode ofc)