< normal web



My temporary fandom was in the area of fun reads I chanced upon there.

As for CSS or not, well, peoples got to do what they think/feel they gots to do.

In my experience - which I admit is likely all "me", and not technology flaw(s) - a dabble slippery-slopes to "how about a little more?", and next thing I know I've reinvented the notion of "kludge", and the f***er *still* doesn't do what I really want it to do, yet I'm panting with racing heart from struggling with convoluted documentation and advice that doesn't work because its authors didn't realize there was something about their device that made it seem to work in the general case, etc.

Next stage is conflating that misery with writing, baby gets flushed with the sullied html/css water, and I'm fetal position back to the peace of ASCII text in a file displayed in either vim or "less"....

(And, oh yes, the working directory *will* be filled with versions of html/css files sometimes ending in hopefully monotonically increasing integers, but sometimes with the letter 'x', sometimes with suffixes like '.good', '.keep-this', and so on.. and of *course* all of them have commented out attempts too poorly commented on to remember what they did or how they work... such that if/when I return to them, I'll have no idea what came closest to what I was hoping to achieve, and then I feel like an idiot because look at all those other people getting it to work per their hopes and/or dreams, and.. and.. and....)

<head falls back against the top of the couch back, eyes closed>

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