< normal web



Some mighty fine links down this path:

No CSS Club

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~tffb wrote (thread):

CSS-free sites (to me) always seemed inconvenienced for no particular benefit. Not to me, if it looks ok, it looks ok (idc what someone does with their site). But, when I tried to make an HTML-only site in the past, I always wound up using a stylesheet file either directly from w3school or making my own or whatever. The new project I am working on will use a stylesheet from scratch, albeit a very simple one. The rest is only html, from the template ("theme") to the navigation and everything else. Less "bare bones" and just "scaffolding-like". Still, it achieves the font size/font style I want, the borders (blank space) on either side of each entry, the blank space between entries, etc. The header is done in ASCII style, although not actual ASCII (it is just 12pt Monospace font). That will actually be a screenshot uploaded at top-center, though.

idk why I am describing all this. Will try to get it online Friday.

Will look halfway decent. :)