< misplaced lilypads, a dog of cowardice, a dog of kindness



yes, I've done the same to aggressive dogs in life

This dog was not responding to fear - my thought: this dog is charging and barking, if it tries to sink it's teeth in, I'll sink my fists in. I don't want to hurt anyone/anything, but if I am defending myself from physical harm, the dirty rules of war come into play (e.g. there are no rules)

But, with a neighbor's dog, Heidi, a German Shepheard (sp?) that was next door my entire childhood - out on the leash barking like crazy, look all 100 pounds of intimidation and mean, I was scared of that dog for a long time. One day it got loose, it came growing and barking down the yard as I walked across the yard toward it from the other side. When it got close, I put my arms up and yelled and barked back (literally) like I was going to attack/tackle the dog right then if it came closer. Heidi got an "oh shit, he doesn't mess around" look on her face, and 180'd back to her yard.

Still, on-leash, she barked and showed she'd stick to the badass appearance detail, despite me proving and factually not having fear of her.

Anyway, ~bartender, a coffee if I may. The espresso is good this AM, at 7:30. Sun rising lifting dew from the grass outside. Three bunnies and four (baby) squirrels run rampant in the yard out front of my apartment, and adjacent yard behind. No cohesive thoughts in my mind this AM, just starting it with coffee.

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~inquiry wrote:

Sounds like much of my experience in USENET newsgroups, come to think of it.... :-)