< clustered thoughts, littered thoughts, thoughts of random abandon


I used to be a bit into "conspiracy theories" in my early 20s. I had a friend who was more prone to take them seriously, well, a couple of them, actually. One of them for a while wouldn't shut up about the illuminati, the reptilians, he even mentioned David Icke (yuck!) a few times; we worked together, too, so I was quite familiar with the lore for a while. The other guy liked to know about ancient advanced civilizations: Atlantis, Lemuria, Vimanas in India (excuse me, Bharat), alleged archeological findings of giants, which "science" covered up, and of course it all went in hand with secret societies ruling the world, too. We used to have a running joke about "HAARP wednesdays". I was always half skeptic, but I did like to entertain all those possibilities. Yesterday I was reminded about HAARP wednesdays when my wife said the earthquake in Russia was surely "a HAARP attack".

I think we all like to engage in such "conspiracy theories" (by the way, I've heard someone claim that the term itself was issued by the CIA to discredit some actual stuff going on, by lumping it all together with reptilian shapeshifters and flat earth "theory"), we all like them, to a greater or lesser extent. It is indeed true that there are sorts of "secret societies" that have immense political power, and it's not unlikely thay they engage in some form of ritual magic. Of course, the stuff about reptilian shapeshifters is very likely our own furnishing, but that's human imagination for you.

I remember I used to argue with a friend of mine (another!), telling her "I've never seen a reptilian shapeshifter, but I have certainly seen humans kill thousands and destroy whole ecosystems for personal gain", and she told me a fanciful story about an acquaintance of an acquaintance see a reptile hand emerge from a hooded figure in a very hush-hush event in some office building, who was eating a human baby. Apparently, that was proof enough for her.

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~inquiry wrote (thread):

> I remember I used to argue with a friend of mine
> (another!), telling her "I've never seen a reptilian
> shapeshifter, but I have certainly seen humans kill
> thousands and destroy whole ecosystems for personal gain",
> and she told me a fanciful story about an acquaintance of
> an acquaintance see a reptile hand emerge from a hooded
> figure in a very hush-hush event in some office building,
> who was eating a human baby. Apparently, that was proof
> enough for her.

That's nothing. In my country, half its citizens believe in a bleach drinking/injecting nazi monster who is quite possibly the reincarnation of Hitler, just because people whom they consider high priests of Truth - who are in fact paid to make up stories that lead to the greatest advertising revenues - say so....

~tffb wrote (thread):

On shapeshifters, I'm not gonna lie, the Skinwalker Ranch documentary and the documentary about the documentary is one of the most fascinating stories I've ever heard. Testimony, evidenced, and in the documentary video of tons of bizarre shit hapening there. It is the 500 sq mi area of Utah that is supposedly riddled with paranormal activity, from shapeshifters, to men in black encounters, to pets being eaten in their backyards by a large wolf that is there one second, gone another.

I am not "into" shapeshifter subjects or even anything regarding cryptozoology or unknown creatures, I will say paranormal phenomena is a very real thing. even if not related to "afterlife". I lived in Oakville, MO. for seven years, and at the end of town is Cliff Cave, and the entrance is merely 40 ft by 40 ft, but the cave stretches the length of Oakville, a hundred feet tall in some places, and nearly the width of the town. This large cavernous area underneath a town has a bizarre effect (I think) but like if one lives under power lines or on property with an underground lake beneath it.

For all intents and purposes, there are dozens (many I know the first name of) people in the apartment complex I lived at, who lived there longer than me, and they said they had moved to Oakville for this reason or that, didn't intend to stay, but just DO. And they don't like the town a lot, either. I felt "stuck" there, but not by means of not being able to afford to move or lack of properties to move TO - I just felt "the predictable is predictable" in Oakville, and the safety element was abundant there (if days are so similar, no threat). But I swear, exact same days repeated in that town. There were people of the same walks of life (age, background, hobbies, interests, etc) that were neighbors for years on end, and they nary exchanged more than a nod and a hello with one another. No other activity elsewise - no work from home or other preoccupations - just people who in every sense of the word should be friends, and they couldn't be more stand offish or formal.

A guy who lived below me (50, drank beer daily, barbequed a couple times a week, watched TV loudly, laughed loudly. A nice guy. The guy DIRECTLY across from his balcony, same age, habits, background. They never talked. Even if both were on their balconies at the same time, they would have small exchanges, were nice to one another, seemed like no animosity, they just both chose to not know each other for this reason or that. Same is the story with everyone I met in that town.

I met ONE(1) person in those 7 years that I am on a talking basis with - then and now. No one else there knew me or much of me, or I them, or they each other. A paranormal effect of anti-social behaviors and delusional-like levels of safe living.

Anyway, it's my THEORY, ha!

Hope all are well :)