< terms, concepts, trends, and textural filigree


A couple offerings that seem relevant to occasional posting/discussion here:

Writers Are Losers

Write To Yourself and Yourself Alone

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~tffb wrote (thread):

Quoting from the pilledtexts entry:

" Before the internet, writing for oneself was easier. The "audience" was sodistant from the writer, physically and temporally, that "writing for oneself"was a simplification, relative to writing for an audience. Writing for anaudience probably felt vexing and paralyzing, whereas writing for oneself wouldhave felt more certain and reassuring.

In the era of social media, the situation is reversed. Now that audiences areso near, publishing words to please them feels easier than writing for oneself.Not to mention, "the death of the author" and other postmodern notions thatwould seem to obviate writing for oneself.

To write for oneself alone, one must now go far off the normal path—a certaindegree of anti-social discipline and effortful re-cultivation is necessary toeven have a self for whom one could write.

All of which reinforces my feeling that, indeed, this is the way."

Yes, prior to the Web, one had better grasp to what writing was, or what writing JUST was, amusing oneself via writing for the purpose of whatever one would derive fron it, and it alone. The Web offered not just instant gratification (potential) but vindication, potential for feeling the invisible void of vanity. Then those things are included - as where just writing to write and enjoy the act of writing, that is effectively all there was pre-Web. Unless one had books deals, readers, etc., which still took the act/art of writing (to oneself) in order to achieve.

I'll break it down so I am being clear (I hope)

readers/book deals, that happens (possibly) after one "gets good" at writing. But feedback is not the goal, but more of a slim (afterthought) reward. Writing, is by/for the writer (he to himself, she to herself, etc).

I, however, don't have the same view as pilledtexts (quoted above) in regards to writing away from blogs/social media to be "antisocial discipline or effortful cultivation" as someone driven to (or who MUST) write, and write for oneself, will do so. Should blogs/feedback interrupt this joy and amusement, then they (as myself) simply avoid most online outlets to achieve ("maximum") enjoyment in writing and what I've written.

With that, should I put a few words online, feedback is ok/welcome. But most isn't online since late-2022, and those who know me know my writing routine(s) at that time. E.g I put very little online.

So, thanks for sharing that entry Inquiry. I am saving these quotes :)