< terms, concepts, trends, and textural filigree
> the distant, repetitive jack-hammering of another Webring > being coded into existence
Holy crappenheimerss, I'd just finished exploring a webring or ten before reading that!
That kind of shockingly familiar "synchronicity" is why I can openly wonder why I'd ever need divination tools.
Which reminds me... the other day I was at a grandchild football game, and it was "Bradley" versus "Plano".
Well... my dad worked for a company named "Bradley" (I did too a couple summers), and in addition to their main plant, they also had one in "Plano" (Texas, I believe). So imagine my synchronicitous surprise when I'm suddenly hearing a stadium announcer welcoming me to a game between (the city of) Bradley and (the city of) Plano... (neither in Texas, btw...).
> I may as well manifest a mInD bLoG or tHoT gArdEn to be > the latest fast ass on the block to have a term that gets > a post or two written about it amongst the known bloggers.
Oh, wait... now I remember... though endless wearisome work having nothing to do with actually writing, whose results magnitude never attains unto the effort magnitude....
> Honestly, I am just having coffee and happy (enough) to > NOT write or have a *dedicated* form of writing these > days. I've come to one conclusion, writing in a local > editor is A+++ #1 all the way. I just click open GNOME > Editor and I am off to the races when I want to write > some words. Copy/paste/(publish?) with it what I will, > I keep it .txt so I can do whatever with it.
Isn't it lovely? (yes... sung to the Stevie Wonder tune...)
> Hope everyone is having a good morning :)
They've been blurring "same old" for me, lately.
But... soon enough, an instance of the usual species of curiosity/longing/lacking bug crawls into its favorite space, gnawing in a way that induces hallucinations of finally being fulfilled in an ingest of hopefully new combinations of words. It never happens, mind you, but, see, the bug injects something that makes it seems as though IT JUST MIGHT THIS TIME, so links and links and more links and crawling (always in the position facilitating maximum bug infestation).. but.. finally the frustration of none of it ever quite landing leads to enough physical stress and muscle-against-muscle tension that the window into all that unfulfilled need be closed down toward its hip-connected keyboard, and set aside until the next gnawing party ensues....
<slaps at and kills bug on his left forearm>