Twitter brought the worst out in me back in the day. I was vindictive and petty from being shadow banned by their algorithms and not being able to have even day to day exchanges with good friends IRL because Twitter would hide my comments under "show more replies" because I didn't spur enough engagement for Birdsite to make money. So naturally, it pissed me off.
Prior, as an angst-filled teen, I would raise hell and be an "open troll" and treat everyone the way everyone treated each other on those forums back in the day - name calling, rudeness, foul to each other one moment, approachable and friendly the next. Still, it brought the worst out in me, which is not how I am - online or offline
Now and in recent years I am pretty straight forward. Moody at times, yes, but I am moody both online and offline. And I treat the Internet as an AFK approach (Away From Keyboard) meaning little difference or dilineation between online life and offline life. I want to treat others fairly and to be likewise treated fairly in return.
Anyway, idk if this comment helps the situation w/ the YT comment, but hope things work out :)
I can't tell you how glad the likes didn't exist in my youth.
Less was infinitely more....