< Updates and mug steam meanderings
Another day. A Saturday, although that's yet another arbitrary labeling. Probably meant more earlier in its label-atory life. It hath six siblings, or so I was told, and believed, and so now it's taken-for-granted real.
I revived playing a favorite two-deck solitaire game with actual cards instead via some Lua I wrote. Fun, but tiring. All that dealing. All that card play. And, for me, best played standing. So there's some vitals drain in that too.
Am I complaining? Sounds like it, right?
Well, I often wish *things* could be easier.
I remembered about the bus stop site again, so lodged a quick blip there. But doing so didn't improve the world, or even any aspect of my experience there of. If anything, very same old, very knowing it would lead to nothing but a bit more longing for something to lead to something.
It's a life as rough as one wishes to make it, and it seems like someone ought write about it, but then who cares?
Okay... time to start the wife's coffee....
bus stop site? link?
I remember a.slow.cab, which I think was another m15o site, but it is gone now, I think
little blips and confessional like entries with the pixel art appearance of being in the back of a cab