redesigned the entire site. keyboard controls. save and load features for progress. way too much JS for one lifetime.
gonna finish polishing the front page and then i can get to writing text and music again.
9 months ago 路 馃憤 martin, byte
@tm85 haha that's ok, managed to improve the layout due to that. 路 9 months ago
@five_over_four I was using 768p, but I think this is my fault, sorry. I accidentally left scroll bars disabled in my browser 路 9 months ago
@tm85 ok, i made the top margins adjust automatically to viewport size. it's about as much as i can do, though technically i can also reduce the padding, but that'll start to look awkward. 路 9 months ago
@tm85 how small? i'm seeing a scroll bar appear around 680px tall or smaller. i could technically allow the layout to cut out some of the top margin out, but the rest is about the size it is. especially when using larger images. 路 9 months ago
This is neat. Sorry if it's out of place, but I'd like to notify you that some graphical elements roll off the bottom on smaller displays 路 9 months ago
@byte i'm just starting to write it. depending on how it goes, i'll later delegate it as a prototype and put a new main one as the main link, but for now, it's as-is. hopefully it goes well, of course.
i'd like to do like a big long-term one, but gotta see if i accidentally write myself into a corner, haha. no promises! 路 9 months ago
looks really great! is the story complete? 路 9 months ago
@martin btw i'm checking out the fonts you mentioned. they look amazing. will have to see if i can get them working and also read the licensing. 路 9 months ago