๐Ÿ‘ฝ five_over_four

I've spent all day learning Blender so I could create a couple assets for the next part of my story. That was painful. Maybe I'll get faster as time goes on, hah. Welp, back to writing.

On another note, I came up with some worldbuilding that actually had me consult my old graduate topology textbook and thesis to make sure it all works right, hah.

9 months ago


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2 Replies

๐Ÿ‘ฝ five_over_four

@mcoffin oh it's okay, youtube is full of dubiously produced tutorials that helped me get going a little bit. basically i made this spotlit switch thing https://fiveoverfour.com/story/quiet/images/spotlight_far.png

used in the webcomic thing or whatever i'm writing. anyway. horrible for rsi, all this mouse use. ยท 9 months ago


๐Ÿ‘ฝ mcoffin

You certainly chose an odd time to be learning Blender with their recent DDoS attacks they've been suffering from. Hopefully the docs you need(ed) were up when you needed them! ยท 9 months ago