馃懡 five_over_four

I've begun to believe that all online video essay content is trash where the value is entirely parasocial by talentless hacks who have no central thesis at all. Maybe it's just the blurry plastic film of advertiser appeasement on top, but god, feel like I've never seen anyone say something *interesting* in one of those. There's so many, and they all belong on the third monitor to keep the silence and your own thoughts at bay. Like most of the modern internet.

9 months ago 路 馃憤 userfxnet


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4 Replies

馃懡 willowf

"video essayists" will literally call something a "critical analysis" and then just spend 45 minutes summarizing an event or story without expressing any interesting opinions about it 路 7 months ago

馃懡 userfxnet

I feel the issue isn't just that those video essays exist, but the fact there's an audience for them. The sensationalim that exists over the web embraces flame wars, and encourages active trolling and vehement "haters". It's affecting every aspect of interest, from music, movies to even clothes or exhibiting a moral barometer. The comments field don't help either on these platforms, which only serve to enable hateful pests egging on their vicious and/or deliberately incorrect notions so as to continue their wretched diatribes and confirmation bias. It's a trend of hateful one-track commentary that's sickening, which feels like it's affecting general interaction very negatively. 路 9 months ago

馃懡 gyaradong

there's a lot of bait and switch in most modern media. they promise catharsis but cannot truly offer it. 路 9 months ago

馃懡 tm85

Have you ever checked out LEMMiNO? 路 9 months ago