The ever-excellent Kev Quirk in 2020 came up with this challenge: write a blog post on each of 100 consecutive days. He called it #100DaysToOffload, in nominal reference to the "100 days of code" challenge. I was reflecting upon this as I reach this, my 36th consecutive day of blogging and my longest ever "daily streak" (itself a spin-off of my attempt at Bloganuary this year), and my 48th post of the year so far.
Might I meet that challenge? Maybe. But it turns out it's easier than I thought because Kev revised the rules to require only 100 posts in a calendar year (or any other 365-day period, but I'm not going to start thinking about the maths of that).
That's not only much more-achievable... I've probably already achieved it! Let's knock out some SQL to check how many posts I made each year:
SELECT YEAR(wp_posts.post_date_gmt) yyyy, COUNT(wp_posts.ID) total FROM wp_posts WHERE wp_posts.post_status='publish' AND wp_posts.post_type='post' GROUP BY yyyy ORDER BY yyyy
My code's actually a little more-complicated than this, because of some plot, but this covers the essentials.
A big question in some years is what counts as a post. Kev's definition is quite liberal and includes basically-everything, but I wonder if mine shouldn't perhaps be stricter. For example:
In any case, I'd argue that I clearly achieved the revised version of the challenge on certainly six, probably fourteen, arguably (depending on how you count posts) as many as nineteen different years since I started blogging in 1998. My least-controversial claims would be:
Given all these unanswered questions, I'm not going to just go ahead and raise a PR against the Hall of Fame! Instead, I'll leave it to Kev to decide whether I'm (a) eligible to claim a 14-time award, (b) merely eligible for a 4-time award for the years following the challenge starting, or (c) ineligible to claim success until I intentionally post 100 times in a year (in, at current rates, another two months...). Over to you, Kev...
Kev Quirk's initial blog post about his proposed challenge
Kev Quirk's blog post revising the rules of his #100DaysToOffload challenge
My blog stats, specifically my "longest streaks" scoreboard
My blog post reflecting on Bloganuary, including links to all 31 Bloganuary posts
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Poly and the Census - Success! (almost)
Dan Q found GLW6CMKQ 16th Century Pub (Central London)
Dan Q found GC6KR0H Bay Area Calibration Point #4 – New Technology
Dan Q found GC531M9 Walk by the Firehouse #1
Dan Q performed maintenance for GC9Z37H Friar’s Farm – Woodland Walk