P96Prefs.lha (driver/video)

P96 Preferences Editor

m68k-amigaos >= 3.2 (Thomas Richter)

LoViewMOS.lha (gfx/show)

LoView - the Easy Viewer and Thumber :)

ppc-morphos (Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori)

HollywoodSP.lha (dev/hwood)

Hollywood 10.0 spanish catalogs(& more)

generic (Dámaso D. Estévez)

HWP_hTeX.lha (dev/hwood)

Use LaTeX from Hollywood

m68k-amigaos; ppc-amigaos; ppc-morphos (Andreas Falkenhahn)

AmiArcadiaMOS.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)


debian-install.iso.bz2 (misc/os)

Debian 3.0 boot CD for AmigaOne SE/XE

other (Matt_H amiga org)

amigassh.lha (comm/net)

SSH2 for the Amiga

m68k-amigaos (s franke bebbosoft de)

a1222_abstract.lha (pix/back)

Abstract backdrop for AmigaOne A1222

generic (Francis G. Loch)

Rompuller.pdf (docs/hard)

How replace ROM on early AmigaOne boards

generic (Matt_H amiga org)

A1_Debian_Install.pdf (misc/os)

Debian 3.0 install guide for A1 SE/XE

generic (Matt_H amiga org)

A1_Debian_Install_de.pdf (misc/os)

Debian install guide for A1 SE/XE (DE)

generic (Matt_H amiga org)

AmiArcadia.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

m68k-amigaos >= 3.9.2 (James Jacobs)

AmiArcadia-OS4.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 (James Jacobs)

A1XE-Diagram_pdf.pdf (docs/hard)

A1 XE motherboard layout/jumper diagram

generic (Matt_H amiga org)

A1XE-Diagram_gif.gif (docs/hard)

A1 XE motherboard layout/jumper diagram

generic (Matt_H amiga org)


BaseConv.lha (util/wb)

Convert numbers between bin/oct/dec/hex

m68k-amigaos (Kim Fastrup Larsen)


amigassh.lha (comm/net)

SSH2 for the Amiga

m68k-amigaos (s franke bebbosoft de)


7MezzoPlusAros.zip (game/board)

Popular Italian Christmas game

i386-aros (info iacosoft com Giovanni Iacobelli)


hippoplayerupdate.lha (mus/play)

Updated HippoPlayer

m68k-amigaos >= 1.2 (K-P Koljonen)

amigassh.lha (comm/net)

SSH2 for the Amiga

m68k-amigaos (s franke bebbosoft de)


transmittances.lha (dev/amos)


generic (laffik laffik com)

PreludeSoftwareBundleV4.lha (driver/audio)

Software bundle for Prelude soundcard

m68k-amigaos (see note below)

GISequenceMemoryAros.zip (game/board)

Sequence Memory game

i386-aros (info iacosoft com Giovanni Iacobelli)

Jake_And_Peppy_V90.lha (game/demo)

Playable demo: new Apollo V4/SAGA game

m68k-amigaos (Kenji Irie)

Void-FB15.lha (demo/sound)

Musicdisk from 68k Inside 2024

m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0 (Puni)

VATestprogram.zip (util/misc)

Versatile Amiga Testprogram

m68k-amigaos >= 1.1 (J.J. Caspers)

MicroExcel_2.0a.lha (biz/spread)

A Spreadsheed Editor

ppc-morphos >= 3.18 (Carsten Siegner)

LN3Void24Prt2.lha (mods/misc)

16bit 4ch LN3Void24Prt2 by HKvalhe

generic (Helge Kvalheim)


amigassh.lha (comm/net)

SSH2 for the Amiga

m68k-amigaos (s franke bebbosoft de)


GIPokerAros.zip (game/board)

Poker game

i386-aros (info iacosoft com Giovanni Iacobelli)

FreeSynd_RTG.lha (game/strat)

Amiga port of Syndicate (FreeSynd)

m68k-amigaos >= 3.1.0 (NovaCoder)

FreeSynd_AGA.lha (game/strat)

Amiga port of Syndicate (FreeSynd)

m68k-amigaos >= 3.1.0 (NovaCoder)

D1X_Rebirth_RTG.lha (game/shoot)

Amiga port of Descent (D1X-Rebirth)

m68k-amigaos >= 3.1.0 (novacoder yahoo co uk)

D1X_Rebirth_AGA.lha (game/shoot)

Amiga port of Descent (D1X-Rebirth)

m68k-amigaos >= 3.1.0 (novacoder yahoo co uk)


rxmui.lha (util/rexx)

RxMUI - MUI GUIs in ARexx macros

m68k-amigaos (Stefan Haubenthal)

amigassh.lha (comm/net)

SSH2 for the Amiga

m68k-amigaos (s franke bebbosoft de)

GIMineAros.zip (game/board)

classic game of mines

i386-aros (info iacosoft com Giovanni Iacobelli)

AmiArcadiaMOS.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)


AmiArcadia.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

m68k-amigaos >= 3.9.2 (James Jacobs)

AmiArcadia-OS4.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 (James Jacobs)


MicroExcel_2.0.lha (biz/spread)

A Spreadsheed Editor

ppc-morphos >= 3.18 (Carsten Siegner)


OpenDUNE_RTG.lha (game/strat)

Amiga port of Dune 2 (OpenDUNE)

m68k-amigaos >= 3.1.0 (novacoder yahoo co uk)

GIMorraCineseAros.zip (game/board)

GI Morra Cinese Game

i386-aros (info iacosoft com Giovanni Iacobelli)

FreeSynd_RTG.lha (game/strat)

Amiga port of Syndicate (FreeSynd)

m68k-amigaos >= 3.1.0 (NovaCoder)

0pal.zip (mods/crash)

Blast beat, fast leads. 8 bit xm

generic (Crash Noise Division)


asm48.lha (dev/cross)

Assembler for the Intel 8048 µC family

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)

MCE-MOS.lha (game/edit)

Multi-game Character Editor

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)

AmigaGPT.lha (util/misc)

App for chatting to ChatGPT

m68k-amigaos >= 3.9; ppc-amigaos AmigaOS. Utilising the power of the OpenAI's GPT-3 and GPT-4 architectures, (Nightfox)


TilesSlide.lha (game/actio)

Align 3-4 tiles of the same colour on WB

m68k-amigaos (Stefano Maria Regattin)

MCE.lha (game/edit)

Multi-game Character Editor

m68k-amigaos >= 3.9.2 (James Jacobs)

[Older Entries]