What in the world?


I consider myself pretty Libertarian, and have often "thrown my vote away" on Libertarian candidates. I feel that both major political parties are corrupt and simply grabbing for power.

I'm officially "unaffiliated", however, because there are some things that the Libertarian Party does that I just don't agree with. Like <a href="http://www.kutv.com/content/news/local/story.aspx?content_id=4699b326-6175-49c2-8b5a-b4eea87a86f6">this</a>.

What. The. Offensive word.

I wouldn't let that guy take out the trash without watching him through the windows. Under no circumstances would I want him representing Utah (and by extension, me). I think his grasp on reality is tenuous at best, and while I may agree with some of his views on personal liberty, come on! At least get somebody who is capable of civil discourse!

I'm so disappointed.