
On the plus side, a dish or laundry washing machine can save much effort, especially if you've already done ten plus hours of work around the house and garden, or you have too many dishes to clean. A high-volume restaurant or food kitchen comes to mind. There are negatives to a dish washer, which I almost never use, such as the dishes being too clean compared to hand washing, and therefore the risk of allergies. Apparently such things as hand washing, fermented food, and living on a farm help suitably exercise the immune system. There may thus be a goldilocks zone between too clean and too dirty. These days, one may spend too much time on a computer (I'm not naming names) so a break for some manual thoughtless dish washing can be welcome. Also if you're cleaning sharp pointy things it may help be in the moment for that, not obsessing over some ncurses bug (again, not naming names).

Why no dish washer? Never had one; they were more or less unavailable in Pakistan in the 1980s to 1990s (and Pakistan has lots of people looking for gainful employment that automation would not help with), and a subsequent eye towards cheap rents meant $100 or whatever more per month for a place that had a dishwasher was a big nope. There's a dish washer in the current place; it's mostly used as a drying rack.

Probably a dish washer wastes less water and detergent than manual work, but on the other hand adds noise pollution, which too many years living near an Interstate may make one sour to. Also too much time on the computer. Speaking of which…