These photos are from the last three days. All taken with my Nikon AW130.
On Monday and Tuesday, I took walks along the Tanana river and shot a few photos of spotted yellow and red leaves, as well as some dark-red leaves.
leaves spotted red and yellow (thumbnail)
Along the bank of the river, I saw these interesting little leaves that come in bunches of three:
small triple-leaves (thumbnail)
Here are some more photos of the foilage and river:
In a last minute decision on Monday, I decided to walk another 100 feet down the path, instead of turning back. I'm glad I did, since I found these washed up trees along the bank:
tree root sticking up (thumbnail)
Most interesting was these beautiful patterns on the tree roots:
tree root wood patterns (thumbnail)
Here are some more photos from that:
washed up tree base (thumbnail)
washed up tree base (bottom) (thumbnail)
washed up tree trunk (thumbnail)
wood with ant tunnels (thumbnail)
This morning I went sunrise hunting. The clouds to the east proved to be too thick to view the sunrise. However, I got this nice photo of these clouds, in the twilight:
Something more exciting: when I left the apartment this morning, I was able to see stars, for the first time since spring! The skies were cloudy, but through one patch I was able to see Cassopia. Through another patch I was able to see the moon, next to Mars and Jupiter.
I took my binoculars out for a few minutes, laid down on the ground, and enjoyed looking over Cassiopia for a few minutes. This was fun, though I'm always a little nervous that I'm going to freak out my apartment neighbors, if they happen to leave, or come home, at 4am and find me laying on the ground out in the dark.
Last, but not least, I'm continuing to monitor the new fiddleheads on my Western Fern:
fiddlehead (two days later) (thumbnail)
This work © 2024 by Christopher Howard is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.