Drawabox Day One

I've decided to start the Drawabox art fundamentals course, and blog my progress as I go. This is mostly to force me to get over myself as far as feeling incompetent. Uncomfortable does a very powerful demonstration in his video on the "50% Rule" (which is that you must spend as much time drawing For Its Own Sake as studying and doing exercises) where he draws a cool monkey businessman and then tears it to shreds. It's a very visceral proof that you can draw just for its own sake, without caring about the final product.


I have decided to do exactly the opposite. Instead of drawing something very cool and good and then destroying it, to ensure that I'm focused on the process, I will draw as well as I possibly can (which is badly) and then immortalize it on the internet. This is not so that I'm concerned with the final product -- in fact, I'll stop posting so frequently if I find this becomes a problem -- but so that I can't afford to be. Because I am not currently a good artist, and I know that. And I could hide behind the knowledge that my failure will be destroyed, or I could force myself to become okay with my incompetence.

So, here is my very first "50% rule" work, to inaugurate the beginning of the program. Let it be known that I have the drawing skill of a 9 or 11 year old. Let it be known that I have no "artistic talent" to speak of. If, after a few months of Drawabox, my skill has improved, let it be known that literally anyone can do it.

Day One