
Forth is a family of programming environments (or a mode of computation, maybe) invented by Chuck Moore. Its principle features are a memory model built around stacks, a concatenative syntax reminiscient of RPN calculators, and a dynamic environment where new subroutines (called words) can be compiled on the fly. It tends to be very efficient and ergonomic to implement on hardware, as words have a near-direct relationship with the assembly they produce.

Forth: The programming language that writes itself: The Web Page

Simple Forth: Rudiments of a Programming Language

Forth on xxiivv

You should care about colorForth! -- Brad Nelson

Starting Forth

I'm chipping away at building my own Forth, specifically targeting M1 assembly on my Mac as a way to get to know my own computer better. I have a bunch of ideas but am still getting over the initial hump of getting something working that I can build on top of.



Written January 12, 2024