Created: 2024-07-17 Copyright: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Language: en
Once I were editor of small magazine of 8 pages. I used `scribus` to make all design and get result done as I wish. All good with that and I needed to send one result as pdf for simple printing. Scribus doesn't have functionality to make printable as a book option. So eassiest thing was to collect into pdf by printing queue of pages manually: 8,1,2,7,6,3,4,5 and later put per two pages.
I forgot what I used 5 years ago, so I had to discover it again. All this simple print to file anded in bad scaling. There were no option *fit into page*. After googling I gave a choice to `pdfjam`.
First problem was installation. Simply `yay pdfjam` didn't gave any candidate, so googling again: *pdfjam is part of texlive-latex*. Texlive I already had, so just simple tried run a command, but got:
pdfjam ERROR: LaTeX package pdfpages.sty is not installed
Okey - plus two packages in Arch `texlive-latex texlive-latexrecommended` and we have pdfjam running.
Now simple command from already made pdf:
pdfjam --nup 1x2,landscape 81276345.pdf -o output.pdf
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