
🏷 myapp

🏷 idea

Created:   2024-07-18
Copyright: CC-BY-SA 4.0
Language:  en

File system based datebase


For my gemini capsule I don't use any datebase, so I thought maybe I should but as content is based on filesystem, why should I not use filesystem for my dynamic content. I guess there are many implementations for such datebase type but for my needs it will be small and if something I can directly edit in filesystem or view value.


After few hours I have already working 1st version:

zordfsdb repository

It is implemented as golang lib for now.

Added features:


For now object was created by hand. Needs to add everything related to object and list.

My app :)

As it is my app I use abcex[2] for index or counters (it is already used for gemini page id). And in my gemini capsules it is already implemented to show last content build date (in index page) and page counters (total and per page)

2: abcex

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