

This is the page for my show on anonradio.net, hosted over the SDF Public Access Unix System!

"Lit up on linux" is a variety show with talk segments incuding shout-outs, "userfx on the net", and other soundbytes and interstitials, cut between playlists of brand-new music brought to you by up-and-coming contemporaries found across platforms.

Listen to the show airing every 0000hr Thursdays UTC (5pm Wednesdays PDT, from SoCal)

anonradio.net (http)

anonradio (gemini mirror) (lagrange-compatible)

Episode list

You can find the complete web archives at these links:

lituponlinux@archives (current)

lituponlinux@archives (2023)

Mirrored episodes can be found below. Ocassionally updated!

LUOL #34 - Gemini Special pt.2 (07-18-2024)

LUOL #08 - Gemini Special pt.1 (08-31-2023)

hosted on hashnix.club