Social Post Angst

If I write a post saying things are great—is that bad?

I’ve never really done social media, but my understanding of how it works is this: people all post about the things in their life that are great, and everybody feels bad because their actual life is not as great as the ones they read about.

For the most part I prefer to only post about positive things. I prefer to write “reviews” of only things that I like, and to talk about experiences that were positive.

I would hate for anyone to feel bad as a result.

So, rest assured, dear reader: if there is a golden life that we should all either aspire to or resent, depending on disposition—it’s not me who is having it.

Dark Posts

I suppose the flip side of the “everything is great” post is the “everything is terrible” post. I’m not sure those are exactly uplifting to read, either. Communication is hard!

I think I’m going to just write what I want to write, it is my capsule after all.

I hope that anyone who finds reading it a negative experience will simply stop reading.


While we’re on the topic, I suppose I’ll drop a rare downbeat paragraph or two.

Some of the biggest challenges in my life have been inside my own head. I have two very strong traits that make life hard: social anxiety and an obsessive, “too busy” mind.

I have over the decades developed pretty good coping mechanisms.

But it’s still the case that meeting a new person face to face is something I strongly prefer to avoid.

And it’s still the case that I spend most of my mental energy obsessively. I work in a field where obsessive mental energy can be consumed, for the most part, harmlessly—even effectively. Then, that makes it easy to do too much—a trap I’ve fallen into many times over the years.

Enough Of That

Back to the (mostly mostly) positive posts!

Feedback 📮

👍 Thanks!

👎 Not for me.

🤷 No opinion.


So far today, 2024-08-31, feedback has been received 6 times. Of these, 0 were likely from bots, and 6 might have been from real people. Thank you, maybe-real people!

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