Trust in a groupthink society.

Who do you trust, and why would you?

Everyone who follows the herd walks in the shit of the leaders, leaders who

themseves are lead by groupthink of a slightly higher class of bullsitthers.

The herd for some reason 'trusts' those who walk up-front but should they? On

what exactly do they base that trust? In a way we all have a brain that 'goes

with the flow', however all those who flow along never do really lead any of

those who walk in line behind them. It seems to be some kind of spell.

Hypnotized drones who go along to get along, just fit in with the masses to

earn a kind of status belong in the group, even if that group doesn't really

support them, they merely support 'the group' it's a baseless 'trust'.

A lot of western society has become drone like behaviour where the entire herd

is blinded and unwittingly walks straight into the slaughterhouse. You can try

to tell them that that building looks like a slaughterhouse, smells like one,

the trucks that leave clearly look like meatwagons. But the herd fails to

register those facts.

Only very few can see reality for what it is. And the irony is that they feel

compelled to create a detour where part of the heard walks past the

slaughterhouse. And ok, it may work, and rescue a few hypnodrones. But then

those drones get reprogrammed with a new groupthink.

Shouldn't that stop? But how to stop it? And once it stopped, then how to deal

with a bunch of brains who refuse to be herded. If thats even possible as this

behavior is the very way how our braind are wired. Or at the very least how all

of us are conditioned to behave.

Now, if our brains are wired like this, then it is a extremely difficult to

change. But if it is done be conditioning then we should be able to break the

spell. I'm wondering about this because the simple fact that I'm able to write

about this and you are most likely able to comprehend what I write. So I'm

confused. Is my wiring shorted out? Did I short out your wiring by writing this?

Probably not. I don't think that you are now lying in a corner with twitching

limbs. But I'm also not sure If any of this is breaking the spell either. As

millions of people my read this brain-fart of mine while still droning along

behind some kind of herd they fail to be aware of.

If you are reading this line then your brain didn't short out.

But how the fuck do I know what I did to you. Did I do something positive? Or

did I do harm to you?

Will it be safe to communicate this to others?

Did I break the future, or could this be a way to repair the past?

I don't know, and I don't actually need to know your answer. Anyone is free to

do their own thinking and remix all of this. I can only hope that anyone who

read this will be wise with the eventual new insights.

Keep in mind that groupthink is EVRYWHERE. Religion, politics, science, music,

art, poetry. And I really don't know what I'm doing.