Created: 2024-08-27 Copyright: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Language: en
Capsule can contain only simple articals with links and media links, but I think there is more what to do :)
I already added functionality if category with `` exists then index content should be displaied as intro in category view. This is prototype of what I need - group pages. This is example of app and now I decided to add some specification.
As I use zord-tree[1] to build my capsule, I have meta fields for each file. Here I'll add **app** custom field to identify app. Value should be something like `name|option1|option2`.
Collection of pages. All should be in one directory. Should have intro page `` - that will be displaied in category as intro with list of group pages (with queue). Direct call should give same page as custom category view. Group page should contain `<- index` to go to the TOC on top before content.
Collection of images. All should be in one directory. Should have intro page `` - here will land all links to images. Image name before compilations should become image name in list. Queue ordering by filename. If later added images - should go to the end.
Gallery | +-- +-- "1. image1.jpg" +-- "2. image2.jpg"
should add to `` at the end
=> /__a/klfjdlasjfasofu798asf7.jpg 1. image1 => /__a/klfj5f78ds6f8f7df6s8fd.jpg 2. image2
Can create book in pdf from group of pages. Same as `group` app, but adds export to latex (?) and generate of pdf with addind as link. Additionally features ex. for image size, latex template.
Additional features:
Generation should be done during build or with separate trigger
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