Looking at images in the terminal

When you're using a pubnix (public unix server) or tilde just like this one, you might think that you're limited to just text. In reality, you can actually view images in here using a tool called chafa(1). You can learn more about it by typing in "man chafa," but basically it converts images (even GIFs!) into ANSI escape codes which approximates the image's pixels in your terminal!


This can be useful when you're browsing the web, looking at toots, or reading your RSS and you want to see the images that are linked within it.

Configuration in Tut

Tut is a Mastodon client, and you can configure .config/tut/config.toml to make it call chafa when you want to view images. Find the [media.image] section and change the following keys:


# Call chafa

# Display the image for 5 seconds
args="--duration 5"

# Set this to true since chafa is a terminal program

written by ~jag