Using your email

You actually have an email account on! You're only able to access it through SSH so you won't be able to use your usual client on your phone, desktop, or browser. It takes a bit of getting used to, but let me know if I can help you get set up. You're not required to use the system email of course! But it's there if you want it.


The main email client that I use is Aerc. I feel like it's relatively easy to get set up and understand compared to Alpine and Mutt at least from my experience. To use Aerc with your email, create ".config/aerc/accounts.conf" with the following content, but replace "your-username" with, well, your username.

source   = maildirpp://~/Maildir
outgoing = /usr/sbin/sendmail
default  = INBOX
from     = "Your Name" <>
copy-to  = Sent

From there you can run "aerc" and you should be ready to go. To learn more about aerc, type in "man aerc-tutorial".


You can also access it through neomutt by typing the following command:

$ neomutt -f ~/Maildir

When it opens, you'll see all the emails that were delivered to you. You can create a new email from here by pressing 'm' within Neomutt, and it should guide you along by asking your recipient, subject, body, etc.

Using an existing email address

If you already have an email address, you can also use that! No need to use the system's email address at all. You can use clients like aerc, neomutt, alpine, meli, or even emacs in your account.

Take care to not store your password in plain text though! Encrypt them with gopass(1) which is installed in this system. Also if possible, encrypt your emails using GPG as well.

written by ~jag