2024 a clickbait society

The internet is dead.

The internet a place where humanity shared its knowledge.

The internet connected people.

The internet where everyone was adicted to.

The internet where one MEME told us more then an entire day of TV shows.

The internet where shitpost lost from fake news.

The internet that had more porn then actual knowledge.

The internet that turned clever kids into vicous crypto crooks.

The internet, the fucking internet.

O Tim Brenners Lee wot haz thy done to me?

The internet that once was great in all it in providing a kind freedom that

humanity was deprived of for centuries failed to actually learn people how to

do their own thinking. In a matter of years the biggest knowledge base turned

into a meaningless clickbait McDonalds drive though snackbar with less

neutrition than a bag of hot air.

Why are people so damn hollow? Is there no dignity? Don't people want to

actually know ANYTHING that ACTUALLY matters?

With so many humans on one planet you would at least expect some humanity.

But the harder you look the less you are able to find.

The more money they have the more greedy they are. Money is power and power has

become the most perverted version of imaginary freedom that ever existed. As

all these coin collectors are not free at all. They are just slaves of the slot

machine they call 'the bank'. And the bank only funds the ones wh generate more

money and those who still make money hapeen to be the liars who turn money into


Now go forth and try to multiply.

Just be sure you have sex with someone of the actual opposite sex, and do not

apply the method that the internet suggests most. It will be hard enough to

multiply when you ate the food that the internet suggests. And the younger you

are the more luck you need as the genes that you received from your parents

could already be artificially castrated.

Have a nice day!