Things have been good overall!
I started dating someone, they're really kind and the first person I've been with in... over 3 years at this point.
We've gone on a couple fun dates, including a Build A Bear date, which kind of fulfilled an old childhood wish of mine.
Got a cute Eevee! Very cuddly.
We plan on going to an aquarium later this week so I'm really looking forward to that! It's REALLY nice having someone I can show affection to and care for, and they show the same kind of affection and care back. They're pretty awesome.
I'll probably give an update with some pictures of the aquarium date!
At work a full rewrite of the main software was approved which I'm really excited about. The current implementation of the software is very slow and hard to work on. It's running all on one thread too, using SQL queries to try and do some kind of threaded computation. It's as bad as it sounds.
Everything is so carefully tuned and timed that running with a debugger breaks everything and makes the software unusable.
The rewrite will seriously be a breath of fresh air. We're going to write it correctly from the get-go instead of bandaiding everything together.
Wow what a general category. The biggest thing in terms of life is that I got back my old car. I still have to pay on it, but I'm on track to do this pretty early with the amount I get paid. It's currently a fair portion of my monthly income, but I still have over half of it as free spending money even account for all my bills. I'll be putting that towards this car and get it paid off hopefully within the year.
I'm still quite annoyed at the current server software I'm using. I wrote a ticket talking about the issue I'm dealing with but have heard nothing from the dev. I'm considering making my own pull request, but that might be kind of hard. I do know the line where the error is happening so I do have a lead at least. Hell maybe I can write my own server software. Or end up modifying this one to do some specific special things I want to do.
And example of that would be making some pages half CGI pages. Like after loading a normal GMI page it'll then execute a CGI script to append to the end. That would allow me to store blog comments in a database instead of programatically appending the comment text to each text file.
Still haven't gotten any comments on anything in the first place lol, but hey maybe we'll see.