Quick scribbles while smocking a pipe 📙 🔖 🖋️
If we humans are so evolved then why do we harm each other for no reason?
Reading in geminispace rather than being bombarded by adds and annoying popups in the morning while enjoying first cup of the tea is so much better. This is the closest I have been to the calmness provided by the physical newspaper in years. 📰 🗞️
Is there a gemini client for iOS?
I have not even touched the "web" in last 48 hours, and feel so much better already. Hopefully I will keep it up. Turns out that my very old wifi router does not support IPv6 and hence I am having trouble installing my own email server. Well, may be I will figure out something after evening tea and cake. May be a bit of toast with butter. 🍞 🍰 🫖
Since I am procrastinating on my real work, I am thinking of installing a bubble instance to create a conversation space for all LOTR fans here.