25/10/2021 (thing ilnaet)

- "Most IT experts agree that such failures occur far more often than they should. What's more, the failures are universally unprejudiced: they happen in every country; to large companies and small; in commercial, nonprofit, and governmental organizations; and without regard to status or reputation." - Spectrum IEEE https://spectrum.ieee.org/why-software-fails#toggle-gdpr they so openly normalize the us empire military tho yuck, get this thing as far away from me as possible

- tweeting is liberating, get used to regretless communication hah, faster and better for ur education

- singular they is AMAZING hehehe

- wow at least four months ago i first went on tiktok malay speaking spree, what use is being scared of not logging when in the end my own information is so hard to find anyway?

- software bug: cannot set computer to do not sleep without playing background music. when re-waken up, brightness is full

- Dune is fascinating, not attached to the characters at all but the world building is great. enjoyed being introduced to so many things in a short period of time

- Haih why do i keep getting caught up with the crowd, i guess that means im quite normal lol

- Jawi html training "Kumon" is so cute and satisfying. Small programs rock! 10 min exercises hehe, should be addictive, i can even generate locally using termux!!!! weee (took less than an hour i believe)

- FIT1047 was surprisingly (relatively) comprehensive in its overview of modern computing & networking, ENG1003 doesn't even compare LOL

- Agile/Waterfall, use cases, bla bla, boring & capitalist asff but also kinda cool but for another day

- latin alphabet is SO BROAD. cyrillic alphabet is cool too