- ratatouille is colonizer movie, "stealing" haha fuck you france
- omg the holy grail of fluid mechanics is to watch the example videos... they explain the equations there too and even better!
- omg even the pdf solutions explain so much and so much better than videos
- wow fluid mechanics test hard, but really lets me know where my weaknesses are at!
- Money Heist indonesian dub, harder than children animation shows xD but overall understandable, not always clear enough tho
- ugh tidying up code sucks
- eh not too bad, our codebase is actually really small lol
- huehue i contributed the most, 10000 lines changed (but many are also cuz xed removes trailing whitespace)
omg Timothy Gowers' website is so amazing
- wali system in malaysia, twitter hot topic
- the AP article on xinjiang is SO important, glad i came across it.
- lol `let` declaractions are limited by curly brackets??? even if statements run globally don't count as global declaration
- mapbox is amazingg, i can legit use my own webapp to explore the world xD thankyou to leafletjs and OSM (OpenStreetMaps) as well <3
- Oof Kek Lok Si temple burn, lucky it's not bad too bad at all. rats overturning oil lamps?
- android file name system surely allows emojis/unicode... probably just the proprietary file editor being weird
- omg transmission's notification when a torrent is done is so excitingg
- ffmpeg -map options to select streams https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Map wah their documentation is finally accessible
- `ffmpeg -itsoffset 0.85 -i audio.mp3 output` to delay by 0.85 seconds
- i can watch indonesian dubbed movies with indonesian subtitles containing different words seamlessly
- oh yeah i can really act normal talking to (adult) stranger, hahahah squid game... genius! i knew it had a use