13/03/2021 (things i learned)

- Andre Vltchek is dead ??????? :(

- katak dan kodok

- good and bad CS questions article. some good stuff there

- rss vs atom, latter is IETF standard wtv that means haha

- dari melayu menjadi indonesia.. i wanna reeadd

- tried out http://golf.shinh.org quite fun

- Nano crypto currency

- joined freenode chat from matrix yeet

- wew idk why but i really feel like jumping back into esperanto hehe

- btw i lovee lemmy <3

- damn there's sooooo much work for me to do in this world

- mm0 is still alive! yay

- MAX FOSH RUNNING FOR LONDON MAYOR lmao i havent laughed so hard in a

while. These kinda things are really my humour huh

- hm really gotta work on my self perception.. maybe lower expectations?