Sometimes I miss my full blown IT times... being in the serverroom with the other guys, fixing a bleeding edge problem at 0400 in the night on IBM mainframes in a nuclear power plant... ordering pizza and the delivery guy goes WHAT?? that's a fscking atomic thingiethangie delivery address? jep, we're hungry, don't be afraid of the guard at the entrance, his thierd arm won't touch you in weird places xD
2 weeks ago 路 馃憤 platypus_laser, edanosborne
@melyanna yes it it. wakeup call in the middle of the night, team mate just says 'we have a fubar..'. ridiing to work like a maniac, telling the police officer you are speeding cos of you work at the nuclear power plant and there is an incident.... ok bro, signal lights on, i guard you and then i gfto outta this town &) whole team assembled, several black alerts on the monitoring. then working without backup on mission critical systems with undocumented code from the 80ies... godlike when the box fires up and the adrenaline kicks in xD 路 2 weeks ago
There is something about ordering pizza at the work-place with co-workers in the evenings around a crunch / emergency that is not unpleasant. Crunches are not good, however working hard with your team when everyone is asleep and fixing a problem is very satisfying. And the energy when everyone is in "Let's get s-it done" mode is kind of great. 路 2 weeks ago
@platypus_laser as and old school sysadmin, cloud and devops and ITIL and consultants and stuff should go to hell.... xD back in my days there were admins and coders, we hate each other but we had known that we need each other. nowadays you have fulklstackdevelopers and other crap.... i want my internet back from the 90... 路 2 weeks ago
I wasn't there for times like this, but I do miss my server maintenance jobs. Me and my mentor would spend long hours puzzling over why our domain controllers were falling over and how to best hand off control to our cloud infra. It was much more rewarding (and worse paid) than the nonsense I do now. 路 2 weeks ago