👽 smokey

Believe it or not, ive never looked into gemini games before until recently. Im suprised at the interactivity of what ive found so far. limitation breeds creativity i suppose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2 years ago · 👍 cobradile94, bronzie_beat, thatsredadcted, bimzhob


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6 Replies

👽 smokey

@antolius No, I never saw this before. Thank you for pointing it out to me, ill be sure to give it a go. · 2 years ago

👽 antolius

@smokey have you tried ijiraq (more details over at gemini://transjovian.org/ijiraq/)? I find it absolutely mesmerizing! · 2 years ago


👽 smokey

@thatredadcted heres a few:

chess: gemini://jsreed5.org/chess/index.gmi

astrobotany: gemini://astrobotany.mozz.us/

spellbinding: gemini://spellbinding.tilde.cafe/

other interactive curiosities:

image board: gemini://IIch.space/img/

gemini chat: gemini://chat.mozz.us/

random ascii art generator (refresh page): gemini://mozz.us/cgi-bin/fortune · 2 years ago






👽 thatsredadcted

I didnt even know that gemini games were a thing. Care to share your favourite? · 2 years ago

👽 bronzie_beat

It's a wonderland, like good old 8-bit days. Constraints do often breed ingenuity! <3 · 2 years ago

👽 cobradile94

Aye, really surprised at the amount of Gemini games out there. Love seeing people push the limits of a platform! · 2 years ago