< blogging via typewriter? How about writing via file-transfer?
I am all for hoarding content. Lol
I download sites with wget, I download yt videos, music. Store them on the laptop. Writing I save the good shit.
Also, I started a new zine, uploading now
I can't remember the last time I downloaded a video, mainly for essentially never encountering anything worth more than a partial viewing to me. In other words, I"m usually bored and/or rolling my eyes less than a minute into almost every video I watch anymore.
And text is catching up with that, btw. I mean, I got a little caught up in the hope/dream of "smol" spaces somehow being gardens above average writing. But reality eventually caught up with my delusion.
So I still visit varieties of gopher and gemini places (aka "hoping against hope"), but the rate of encountering "wow" content there not seems no different/better than in "web" spaces. In fact, I'm starting to suspect it's worse given the snail-unto-hardened-concrete pace of "smol" posting.
But I think I fully understand the posting pace, because I believe it's reflected in reads/replies. It's just not a very interactive crowd (although it seemingly loves to call itself a "community" despite hardly interacting...).
(sorry for the self promote, but by the title...)