Midnight Pub



~bartender, let's not mince words ;)

up, at 'em, early, 7:30, having coffee since 7. 66F here.

thought of sending an e-mail, rather not wait a day+ for a reply so they can e-mail me, or not.

tasters choice instant, bliss

irc is fun. lurk in and out. Google Fi is still terrible with tethering, haven't diagnosed Port 22/SSH issue. Apparently by putting my SSH key with a domain (such as user@domain.com) instead of user@xx.xx.xx.xx (ip) that fixes the issue, but I haven't, yet.

Irssi still won't connect on this machine, and I have been using it on the Ctrl-c server. That's fine.

wanting a third coffee, might not. that's a lot of caffeine.

glad The Midnight is 24/7 :)

I see Smudge lounging in the morning sun rays, slowly tail-waving in the smol bits of dust and debris magnified by the incoming light. a murmuring purr can be heard from across the bar. silent. My smoke trails cross the threshold and meet the dust across the room. a sunlit battle of smoke, dust and glow.

I settle myself patiently. Waiting for other patrons. In the back of my mind thinking: "the door opens soon".

Until then, IRC.

Write a reply


~inquiry wrote (thread):

> thought of sending an e-mail, rather not wait a day+
> for a reply so they can e-mail me, or not.

Damnable slowpokes!

> Irssi still won't connect on this machine, and I have been
> using it on the Ctrl-c server. That's fine.

Is the server you point it to on ctrl-c? (e.g. ctrl-c.tilde.chat:6667). Just curious in case I become interested in IRC again.

<appropriate pause>

Ooops! Per https://signup.ctrl-c.club/ :

> Thank you for your interest in Ctrl-C.club! We're pausing
> signups to work on some scaling issues. You can still
> submit a signup to get on a waitlist. Once we open back up,
> signups will be handled in the order they were received.

I'll likely lose interest in the next seven minutes, let alone "Once we open back up"....


Then again, I see that once upon a time I wrote a script wrapper around irssi that can point it to 14 IRC servers, which I imagine I had access to back whenever I did that... so, maybe your talking about it is a sign from Dog to lurk in such a bit....?