Midnight Pub

You, Like All The Doors I’ve Ever Opened And Closed


I left you alone on the bed and watched you. You

Mirrored me like I had, looking up and wondering

If tonight was the ultimatum. The mind is loud when

It looks inside at its reflection, like the echoes of all

The fences you’ve ever drawn your hands across, ear

Tipped down like a cup to gather those hollow sounds

And keep them for yourself. Like a cup with the last

Drop down your parched throat, my hand holding it,

I smiled like I was the one drinking. I apologize for

Not picking up, but I forgot you were the one calling

And mistook the sound for waiting again and again.

I watched, then left you a lighter on the nightstand

With a piece of paper that said goodbye. There was a

Nice morning breeze flowing in through the hinges, so

I followed it and took a walk down the sidewalk to

My car. I opened the door and drove away, because

Down the road, there was a pleasant sunrise and a

Blue spring sky waiting for me, and I wanted that.

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~daytrick wrote:

Woah, this is really nice! Thank you for sharing!

~inquiry wrote:

Wow. Love that!