hi ~bartender. Hot espresso here.
::glares at clock:
ffs 10:42, I thought it'd be later. With it nearing 60F outside, and it being 52 this AM, I got no room to complain. The far edge of the Web and life seem quaint tonight - a night of "ok". Espresso hot and tasty, a decent day and a (hopefully) decent one tomorrow, as well. Cardinals game w/ the Clubhouse tomorrow, which means a slow day AT the Clubhouse, where I will hold down the fort in Farmington, while the majority make the polluted and hectic trip to/from St Louis.
With my face rolled over with steam from the mug, I unlooking pet Smudge - purrs and contentment as a small, fresh breeze creeps in through the window adjacent the bar's end. Air cooling, increasing mug steam, distant dogs in the distance and faded honk of a "Main Web" horn trailing far beyond. Me and Smudge seem unalarmed, uninterested.
My RSS feed, Feedbin, is slow these days, too. 40+ Mastodon accounts, mostly oldbytes.space and FOSStodon, of mostly retrocomputing-oriented content, falls silent as the projects and postings have settled down greatly in the past year. New servers? A likely case. I would have to investigate. And so I shall go through and see who stays, who goes. And then add some along the way.
I'll be here, with the flickering Moto in the dim Midnight light, procuring feeds and ingesting caffeine - cats purrs filling the room, a quiet growing more quiet as the evening settles in
I awoke at 4:04am this morning, and immediately thought of what that http error code means, and began wishing it meant the not finding of tenaciously re-assertive illusory self....