I went to Clubhouse, and on the way I glanced to the left, while, walking up E Liberty St, expecting to see a bush/shrub of lilypads. Some usually in/around ponds, a person has them in their front yard. End of street, just before right turn.
So my mind thinks: red house > left-hand side of road > just before making right
Lilypads were not there. Odd I thought.
Then making my way further, down Maple St, I look up to see a red house I never took notice of before, just before turning onto Walt St, and out front, a shrub of lilypads.
Interesting how I never noticed what is to be noticed, until I notice it deliberately, only to have it always have been noticed.
Right right right
On this pleasant, 55° walk, a beautiful spotted Collie came running as it always does, from someone's front yard. Barking, lunging, nipping at the side of my legs. I ignore, keep walking, knowing its a bark-not-bite coward dog. There to disrupt my walk, though the owner has less risk of the many passers by from reacting poorly, and just more of it going into the busy street just past the sidewalk.
Regardless, when walking home, a neighbor walked by with a Dauchsand (idk the spelling), and I say hello, and (to the dog): cute doggy. Which it replied with a barely acknowledging and inaudible breath bork. Enough to show reaction, not concerning itself with me.
Then home. The Clubhouse was not my jam today. Home is nice. Cigarettes and coffee a- plenty. And of course online things and zine making.
My experience is not fearing dogs leads to not having to fear dogs.
That might sound hyper overly simplistic, but I"m talking about what not fearing dogs does to dogs.
Example: Over a decade ago, my wife and I were out for a walk, when suddenly a rather large dog managed to push open the front door of the house it was in, and charged us with reckless abandon while sporting a determined look of accomplishing harm.
My never having been one to fear dogs suddenly had *me* charging the dog.
And it was fascinating. Soon enough, the dog was attempting to backpedal on pavement. Can you hear the sound of its paws and claws attempting to negate its momentum in order to head back to from where it came, looking and whimpering like a timid puppy anxious for its master to re-open that front door to its safety?
That's exactly what it did.
Three cheers for the absence of fear for them to smell!
Over time I have acquired the (bad) habit, if I see someone walking a dog, of saying "Hello dog!" ("Ciao cane!" in Italian) before I greet the owner.
I never go too close or try to interact with dogs, as I know some may be nervous and even dangerous, however whenever I catch myself greeting a dog first, then smiling to the owner, I feel slightly embarrassed.
I think I found your zine on itch.