Good morning,
google maps can be replaced by OpenStreetMap. There is a client OSMand for android (and I'm sure there are more) to show the map. You can download chunks of "the map" to your device, so you don't even need online connection. For navigation while driving I do use a small notebook (with a fairly fat battery), running Debian and Navit plus OSM maps. This has served me well.
~ridgewalletjussiesmollett wrote (thread):
I actually just transferred all my stuff over from after their complete annihilation of that app into the pure OSM apk and also got StreetQuest which is just like a pokemonGO style game to walk around and add missing info to OSM
I was meaning more generally divorcing myself from the process of having a machine tell me where to go in my local environment, navigating based on my own map of the area and just accepting the couple minutes of time I might lose, in order to improve life